
Thursday, 12 November 2020

Our unbelievable Athletic Practice

This week we have been doing athletics. We have been practicing shot put, high jump, discus, long jump, sprints and relays. Discus was the sport that I did with my classmates first. Discus is a sport that you grab a disc looking object which is called a discus. To throw a discus you have to lift your arm at the back and push it not throw. The hard part about throwing a discus is, it’s heavy and you might drop it. The easiest part for me is to throw it because once I let it go, it's not really heavy because I can throw it high.

Have you ever tried discus before?

Blog ya Later!!

Friday, 6 November 2020

The Most Magnificent T-Ball Game

For the past week we have been practising to throw and catch the ball  with Whaea Casey. The rules to T Ball are when you hit the ball you have to run even if you are already on a base. When there are no more chances to get anybody out the backstop shouts ball in and they get ready for the next Batter. Every time somebody makes it to home base then the batting team get one home run. After everyone on the batting team has a go at batting they switch over. When we played we batted first and got 6 points and when it was the other teams batting time I was at the front-lines and tried to catch the ball when someone hitted the ball. 

The hardest part in T-Ball is when your a fielder it's difficult to catch the ball because its super bouncy.

The easiest thing to do in T-ball is to hit the ball with a bat

Have you ever played T- ball before?